About me…

Before my career in UX/UI design, I worked as an information system administrator. Assisting users on a daily basis, I discovered my passion for finding problems and crafting functional experiences for end users. As I learned more about user experience and interface design, I realized this was what I wanted to do. I help companies create user-friendly products and enjoyable online experiences by conducting user research to understand users' needs and guide the product toward a solution that meets both their needs and business goals.

As someone who values efficiency, I understand the importance of effective communication and teamwork. I believe that a positive attitude is essential for success, and I am always willing to go the extra mile to achieve my goals.

Finding the right balance of well-being has been my focus for some time. In my pursuit, I discovered more similarities between well-being in my personal life and well-being from a product and user's point of view. I started experimenting with finding the right equilibrium between usability, and usefulness, and making the product enjoyable and reliable for the user.

I am seeking opportunities where I can make online experiences more pleasant.